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Showing posts from February, 2019

Combustion Reactions

Combustion Reactions By: Areta  8/2/19 We have heard this term relatively many times, but not in a scientific way. You may have heard combusting . This is an action as you breathe rapidly or the action of when something exploded. But the combustion that will be discussed is the burning reaction people see as an element interacts with oxygen. What is a combustion reaction: A combustion reaction happens when a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen and creates water and carbon dioxide. Combustions reaction only works with elements that a flammable or in better words combustible. We won't be able to combust a banana or a piece of cloth, or magnesium for example. The elements needed need to be an oxidizer enable to form oxidized products. Combustion reactions are exothermic reactions meaning that they release heat, though some reactions don" t produce heat. In order to know if the reaction is a combustion reaction or not, heat, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water