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Showing posts from October, 2018


What is it?  This process is like the opposite of evaporation. This is a process the water vapor (Clouds: A form of water that we can see) in the air change into liquid state. This process is part of the water cycle because it is responsible for the recreation of the clouds. The clouds create precipitation  which is the water that is realized from the cloud in the form of rain After turning into liquid state the water,snow,sleet or hail (which the last three have similarities and not much a difference). This is a primary route were the water has to return to the earth surface which is part of the water cycle.                            They are part of precipitation because they are forms of precipitation The atmosphere must be fully saturated before condensation takes place. In other words the maximum amount of pressure on the vapor must be reached. When this happens the vapor has no choice but to leave the atmosphere by changing form to a liquid state. Dew point is the temp


Precipitation Precipitation is any forms of particles, whether liquid or solid, that Precipitation reaction leads to a reaction  that leads to the formation of a heavier solid in a lighter liquid. Precipitation is basically any product of the condensation of the atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravity. This occurs when a portion of atmosphere becomes saturated with water vapor. There are two processes, possibly acting together, can lead to the air and it becomes saturated. Cooling the air or adding water vapor to the air. Precipitation  forms as smaller droplets coalesion with other rain drops or ice crystals within a cloud. Short periods of rain  in scattered location are named showers. An example: Mixing silver nitrate and sodium chloride in water will cause silver chloride to precipitate out of   solution   as a   solid . In this example, the precipitate is silver chloride. When writing a chemical reaction, the presence of a precipitate may be indicated by fol


Definition :  rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, involving the production of heat and light. Combustion is an exothermic reaction because it releases energy through light or heat. The product of combustion reaction is heat . It is a type of redox reaction. what is a Redox reaction? Oxidation reduction or redox reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of  molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron. Examples of combustion reactions include: "2 H 2  + O 2  → 2H 2 O + heat CH 4  + 2 O 2  → CO 2  + 2 H 2 O + heat" ( ) A few real life examples of combustion could be:  BBQ's Gas ovens Forest fires Bonfires So this is applicable to our life because sometimes we use combustion to our benefit for example"BB

Displacement reaction

A chemical reaction is when one or more substances which are reactants are changes into one or more different substances which then becomes the product.  A chemical reaction is written with the formula of reactants on the left side, and formula of the products formed on the right. An arrow is placed in-between the reactants and the products. They are 5 types of chemical reaction; Synthesis reaction/combination Decomposition Reaction Displacement or Replacement Reaction Acid Base Reactions Combustion Reaction I'll be explaining one of these five reaction which will be  Single displacement reaction .  Single displacement reaction is part of the reaction "Displacement or Replacement Reaction. Single displacement reaction happen when a cation(positive) and an anion(negative) swap from a compound.  The general formula for a  single replacement reaction  is A + B-C → B + A-C where  A  is an element and where  B-C  is a compound. The reaction produces a new e


Research: What are structural Isomers? Online definition:  In chemistry isomerization is the process by which one molecule is transformed into another molecule which has exactly the same atoms, but the atoms have a different arrangement My definition: When the arrangement of a molecule is changed but still has all of the same atoms. (Alkanes) Examples : - Methane - Ethane - Propane  - Butane VIDEO: Constitutional Isomers : Isomers that differ in connectivity Simple hydrocarbons such as; methane, ethane, and propane can not have constitutional isomers because there is no other way to connect them.   There are 2 different butanes that re constitutional isomers. CITATIONS: “What Is Isomerization? - Definition from Petropedia.” , “Isomerization.” Wikipedia , Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Sept. 2018, Jones, Maitland. “Isomerism.” Encyclopædia B

Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reaction A chemical reaction is an action that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another. A well known chemical reaction is when mixing ethanoic acid with sodium hydrogen carbonate. Chemically the ethanoic acid reacts with the sodium hydrogen carbonate to form carbon dioxide gas and water. The carbon dioxide gas produced rushes away from the water. This is seen as bubbles.This is a double replacement reaction and the sodium ion reacts with the acetate ion. Giving Sodium Acetate And a H+ Ion reacts with the bicarbonate ion giving carbonic acid which decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. This reaction happened because of a substance called entropy. Entropy is a property of matter that can quantized by randomness of disorder. An example will be how a solid has a lower entropy than liquids and gasses due to the fact that molecules of gases have an increase freedom of movement. Entropy is one part of why chemical reactions happen

Dietary elements

Dietary elements  So basically dietary elements  are the chemical element required living organisms. Elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, an oxygen presents in common organic molecules.  There are a lot of  nutrients needed for a normal human body functions .  which includes amino acid, vitamins, essential flatly acid and dietary elements. They serve many functions, for example calcium has a role of building bones and  and teeth. Iodine in making thyroid hormone. Potassium has a nervous system so as zinc in the immune system. A disease can be caused by human being's  deficiency due to the study that people have found out by some essential  role the body.     Proper nutrition is complex, and exact recommendations depend on the individual. When determining the proper nutrition, you must consider your weight, height, age, gender and activity level. While the best nutritional plan is individualized, five major elements form the basis of all nutritional requirements. 1)  Ca

Compostable Bioplastics

Compostable Bioplastics Bioplastics are plastics that decompose naturally in the environment. They are often used as compostable materials because they can also decompose in soil that is very good because it can due to the bacteria in the plastic. According to a study in Germany, many composts made from kitchen and garden waste contain microplastics, which are then found in the fields. This is a problem that happened in several different European countries like (France, Spain, Switzerland). Here in Cameroon composting is not a common thing so won’t be such a problem but I believe it will be a positive thing for countries in development like Cameroon because most of the food to compost in Cameroon do not have plastics they are mostly natural but if plastic was compost it would be used with bioplastics and will make Cameroon increase their economy and lower pollution in the country. Nutrients for agriculture: The recovery of organic waste is undeniably a go