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Combustion reaction by Doris Kra

Doris Kra 05/03/2019 Chemistry Miss. Block                                               What is a combustion reaction A combustion reaction is when a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen and creates carbon dioxide and water. The formula for a combustion reaction is Hydrocarbon + Oxygen→ Carbon dioxide + Water. A combustion reaction is a common reaction in chemistry it can also be referred to as burning. A combustion reaction is a exothermic reaction because it is releasing heat or energy. (b) Some examples of a Combustion reaction are: Combustion reaction of Methane                                                                                                      CH₄(g) + 2 O₂(g)→ CO₂(g) + 2 H₂O(g) Combustion reaction of Propane                                                                                                      2 C₃H₈(g) + 7 O₂(g) → 6 CO₂ (g) + 8 H₂O(g)                           Combustion reaction of Ethane                                     
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Combustion Reaction🔥

                                                                                  Reactions Complete Versus Incomplete Combustion  So there is something we call a complete combustion and the other a dirty combustion. Fuel such as petrol or methane, etc can undergo complete or incomplete combustion. When methane completes a complete combustion it produces carbon dioxide and water. When methane goes through an incomplete under a limited amount of air it produces carbon monoxide and water or carbon or water. What is Combustion? There are many types of combustion. But I believe the most known one is the combustion with methane which is the one I put above.  Combustion can also be called burning. Combustion is an exothermic reaction which means it gives out heat. Reaction above is a combustion reaction. This the formula CH4 + 2O4 -----> CO2+ 2H2O * In order to know if a formula is perfectly balanced you need to know that there are the exact number of molecules on the rea

Combustion Reactions:

Reactants: CH 4 + 2O 2                                         Hydrocarbon + Oxygen Products: CO 2 + 2H 2 O                         Carbon dioxide + water Combustion reactions also more commonly known as burning, is a reaction when hydrocarbons react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. This reaction requires starting energy such as a spark or a flame to get it going. Combustion is an exothermic reaction which means that it releases heat in the process of reacting. Combustion can be categorized as either complete combustion or either incomplete combustion. Complete combustion is when all of the reactants react and there is no more reactant but 100% product. Burning a candle is an imperfect example of this. Normally when candles are burnt the wax is left over on the surface and we would have to clean it up, But ideally the heat on the candle wick would react with the wax which is a hydrocarbon and using the heat the carbon would react with the oxygen i

Combustion Reactions

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