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Single Displacement Reaction

Single Displacement Reaction

A single displacement reaction is when an element reacts with a compound and in the product, takes then the place of another element in that compound (Studer, 2018). That is why sometimes it’s also known as a single replacement reaction.

This website has a video of how a single displacement reaction works:

The reaction that will be shown in this blog will be between potassium (K) and water (H2O). the elements in this reaction will be potassium, hydrogen, and oxygen.

2K + 2H2O → 2KOH + H2
As shown in the reaction, potassium starts as a single element and water is a compound molecule. After the reaction takes place potassium has replaced a bit of hydrogen and bonded to an oxygen-hydrogen compound.
Potassium is a metal and reacts with water rapidly to create a colorless solution that ends up being potassium hydroxide (“webelements, 2018).
This reaction is exothermic. At the beginning of the reaction, potassium becomes very hot and even catches fire that causes the element to have a lilac purple-like color.
Potassium and water are used in everyday life however this reaction does not. Water is used to keep us hydrated and alive as well as other daily functions such as hygienic needs. Potassium, in small amounts is also important for the body because it conducts electricity and helps the heart, digestive track, and muscle to function (Gannett, 2017).


Winter, Mark, et al. “Potassium: Reactions of Elements.” Neon»Isotope Data [WebElements Periodic Table],
Brainard, Jean. “Single-Replacement Reactions.” CK-12 Foundation, CK-12 Foundation, 6 Sept. 2018,

Time, It's AumSum. “Single Displacement Reactions | #Aumsum #Kids #Education #Science #Learn.” YouTube, YouTube, 7 Aug. 2015,


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